
Softie takes over Latin America

Events  /  15th January 2025

Softie was part of two major events in Latin America, the MUICA African Film Festival in Colombia and the International Human Rights Festival in Buenos Aires.

MUICA  African Film Festival hosted Boniface Mwangi on a panel 'Freedom and Resistances: from Kenya to Colombia' as a celebration of 'Afrocolombianity Day' and commemoration of the 170 years of the abolition of slavery in Colombia.

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The International Human Rights Film Festival brought together human rights focused films in Buenos Aires for the 19th edition of the festival. Softie was an official selection for the festival that took place from 27th May to 2nd June.

The point of the festival is to generate a space for debate and reflection around human rights problems through artistic representation in the form of a documentary, fiction, or animated critical piece of cinema with a social dilemma.


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