

Events  /  5th February 2025

Softie keeps breaking through our local borders and this May took us north to Lodwar, Turkana County. The Friends of Lake Turkana organization was gracious enough to host the Softie team, led by Njeri Mwangi for 4 screenings within Lodwar from 6th – 7th May.

The screenings were hosted at different locations; Lokiriama Hall, California Market, Kambi Mawe village and St Michael’s Primary School, Napetet.

One thing that stood out for us was having 90% of the audience at Lokiriama Hall be women who came to watch and engage in discussions around the film. Some of the main topics of conversation that came out were; patriotism and elections, the wave of voter bribery that is currently ongoing, being active citizens in our communities, leadership and the sacrifices of activism.

Turkana was definitely a productive trip for us and we look forward to taking Softie to more locations in Kenya.

If you are interested in hosting Softie in your community/organization/society group, feel free to reach out to us by clicking on the yellow button below and we’ll get back to you.

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